Beat the bloat on your next night out: 5 ways to reduce IBS bloating

For the time being, nights out with friends and family are back on the agenda, and compared to last year at this time, we couldn’t be happier!

Except when you suffer from IBS, it’s not that simple. 

You’ve been there. You’re getting ready for a night out. You’ve got your outfit picked out. You’re looking forward to catching up with friends, having a bite to eat (and a few drinks too). And you can’t wait to switch off, relax and unwind after a tough work week. 

But there it is: The Bloat. 

Beat the Bloat

That creeping gassiness that just gets worse as the night goes on. Your favourite dress now just makes you feel self-conscious. You feel uncomfortable, hoping nobody will notice. Last time you checked, embarrassing flatulence certainly wasn’t on your list for a fun night out.

Instead of feeling sexy and confident, you feel like cancelling your plans, donning your PJs and curling up on the sofa instead. 

Well, we’ve got some great news for you: there are things that can help. Read on for our top 5 tips for beating the bloat.

1. Reduce IBS bloating with the Low FODMAP Diet

FODMAP stands for fermentable oligosaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols. No wonder we need an acronym!

Essentially, FODMAPs are short-chain carbohydrates that don’t get absorbed properly by the gut. 

The FODMAPs tend to move slowly, attracting water which then causes extra gas. This results in increased stretching in the walls of the gut. And because people with IBS have a very sensitive gut, their symptoms can become a lot worse. 

Now, FODMAPs can be found in all sorts of foods. They’re in onions, wheat, milk, apples, garlic, honey, cashew nuts, and many more. 

And the tricky thing is that any particular FODMAP might be a trigger for one IBS sufferer, but not for the next. 

So, the advice from healthcare professionals is to start by eliminating high FODMAP foods and then gradually reintroduce one group at a time. This way, you can identify your triggers and see how much of that food you can handle without symptoms. 

Getting this right can be quite a challenge. Our recommended app is the Monash University Low Fodmap Diet App

2. Exercise regularly (and right!)

It’s common knowledge that exercise is beneficial for our general health. But it can also work to stimulate regular contractions of your intestines. 

So, if you suffer from IBS-related constipation and bloating it’s a good idea to work regular exercise into your routine. And what’s more, studies have shown that exercise helps increase good gut bacteria, which can also reduce IBS symptoms.

The advice is that IBS sufferers should exercise regularly – at least 20 minutes, three to five times a week. 

There should be a mix of exercise types – with both aerobic exercise like running, swimming and cycling, but also relaxation and strength-based exercise like yoga or Pilates. 

3. Get your cucumber on

Yes, the humble cucumber is a great food for reducing bloating. Cucumbers are 95% water which is great for helping you to keep hydrated, which can alleviate bloating. 

And it’s particularly good for IBS as it contains quercetin – a powerful antioxidant that we use in our supplement to relieve IBS symptoms. 

Other foods that could help reduce bloating are:

  • Avocados – high in fibre to prevent constipation
  • Yogurt – full of probiotics to help reduce bloating
  • Berries – high in fibre and packed with antioxidants
  • Green tea – antioxidants reduce inflammation and caffeine stimulates digestive tract movement 

And there are countless others. If you reduce your FODMAPs and introduce a few of these, you might notice an improvement in symptoms. 

4. De-stress to de-bloat 

IBS sufferers can get into a vicious cycle with their attacks affecting their mental health and vice versa. It’s a spiral that can be hard to escape! 

Practising self-care and actively trying to reduce stress in your life could have a significant effect on your symptoms. Easier said than done, of course. So, how do you achieve this?

  • Prioritise your needs – try to draw a distinction between work life and home life.
  • Go to bed early so you’re well rested.
  • Eat well with a nutritious and balanced diet.
  • Practise breathing exercises or meditation to help shut out the noise.
  • Avoid too many stimulants such as excessive caffeine. 
  • Reduce your alcohol intake.

5. Try a targeted IBS supplement 

Here at Cambridge Nutrascience, we have developed a targeted supplement that can help you say goodbye to embarrassing bloating. 

Our IBS Advanced Formula + contains only natural ingredients, proven to reduce the long term symptoms of IBS. 

Containing 250mg of quercetin, a natural plant flavonoid with a powerful antioxidant function helps calm overactive mast cells in the gut.

It also includes the natural plants extracts of Theanine (from green tea) and Curcumin (from turmeric). Theanine may help to alleviate stress, depression and anxiety which otherwise may exacerbate the symptoms of IBS. It has also been shown to calm hyperactivity of the intestines. CavaCurmin is made from the main active ingredient in Tumeric, known for its anti-inflammatory benefits which may help to support a healthy gut and reduce the bloating caused by inflammation.

It works really well alongside lifestyle changes such as regular exercise, reduced FODMAPs, and efforts to de-stress.

Key takeaways

IBS is a very common condition, but you don’t have to put up with painful, embarrassing bloating. 

Whether you’re hitting the gym, meeting friends, or going on a date, our supplements can help you get back to doing what you love without the worry. 

Our IBS Advanced Formula + is vegetarian, 100% natural and GMO free. And we’re proud to say that it’s manufactured at a GMP facility in the UK. 

Still have questions? We’re more than happy to answer them. Get in touch.

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